We've been lucky to enjoy extensive coverage in the local and national press, in magazines and on BBC Countryfile.
For an overview of Black Shed, it's aims, ambitions and how it works, please see our About page.
Paul has written a column for The Sherborne Times for the last three years and you can find all of these on our Blog.
He is more than happy to write features and articles for any format.
We have an extensive archive of hi-res photos of the Farm and it's flowers.
Contact or call us here to discuss your ideas, we'll look forward to speaking to you.
August Flowers
High Summer and August brings an abundance of Dahlias, an incredible range of colour and shapes for bouquet or vase, from creamy Cafe au Lait to deep velvet burgundy Karma Choc. Rusty tawny Rudbeckias and rainbow Zinnias, coral and green Amaranthus, burgundy and copper Atriplex and Grasses galore! Sunflowers in all shades and Cosmos, pure white, hot pinks, yellow and reds. Autumn Foxgloves, Delphiniums and Lysimachia provide spires.
Our fantastic scented Eucalyptus foliage is ready to cut and will be available right through to March.
Mixed Eucalytpus boxes available from our Shop